The Horror Movies of Cybersecurity

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The Horror Movies of Cybersecurity

There’s only one type of movie you can watch in October. It’s horror time! Halloween isn’t Halloween without a good horror movie, whether it’s Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, Paranormal Activity, or, well, Halloween. However, very few horror movies are realistic. There are always people making decisions that don’t make sense. It seems that monsters are always walking when they should be running. There are times when it’s too goofy to be scary. What if we made some horror movies too realistic? How about adding the scariest, most real threat of all: cybercriminals! Come on, let’s do it! Check out these cybersecurity horror movies!

CyberScream! – Have you ever wondered how Ghostface obtained the phone numbers of his victims? It turns out he did it through the DARK WEB! That’s right, Ghostface isn’t just a knife-wielding maniac, he’s a cybercriminal as well! He’s coming after your digital presence next! You can only stop him with dark web monitoring, which will notify you if your data has been breached before it’s too late.

Nightmare on Breach Street – You know what they say. When you’re breached in your dreams, you’ll be breached in real life! In a dream, Freddy Krueger’s newest victim stumbled upon a website where his personally identifiable information (PII) was stolen through an email that looked like it came from his boss. Upon awakening, he discovered that he had actually fallen for a phishing scam! It will now be up to him to teach Freddy’s next target how to use the SLAM method while asleep, so they don’t suffer the same fate as he did!

Cybercriminal Activity – Katie begins experiencing strange things in her home when she finds new footage. The doors open and close on their own. There are footsteps in the night. The blankets are being ripped off the bed. Webcams turn on when they’re not being used. She thinks a ghost may have hitched a ride from the abandoned factory she explored last month, but it turns out that malware also hitched a ride from the public Wi-Fi she used at a fast-food restaurant last week. She will need an exorcism and a VPN to rid herself of both evils!

HalloScreen – Michael Myers won’t be pursuing Jamie Lee Curtis this time around. He now wants the PII exposed on the desk. Cybersecurity extends beyond the digital world. If you don’t shred unused documents, lock your office doors, and keep documents with PII in a safe place, Michael will be outside your window. Walking slowly (but menacingly) to breach data!

While you won’t see any of these movies on the silver screen anytime soon, the lessons you learn from them will definitely be useful in your everyday life. You’ll want to watch out for a man sporting a painted Captain Kirk mask.